Something About That Name

Acts 4:5-12 A pastor wanted to teach the children about salvation in the name of Jesus. He asked: “If I had a big garage sale, and gave my money to the church, would that get me into heaven?” “NO!” the children answered. “If I cleaned the church and gave candy to the...

It is I Myself!

It is I Myself! Luke 24:36b-48 A couple decided to go to Florida to thaw out from a cold winter, so they made a reservation at the hotel where they had stayed for their honeymoon. Due to schedules, the husband flew down first, the wife to follow. Just after he left,...


Psalm 29 (Mark 1:4-11) NIV This psalm would surely have been a favorite of the great Puritan preacher, Jonathan Edwards. Edwards would ride most every day to a lone place and then walk and meditate. He has been portrayed riding out into a stormy night, into the...

Banishing the After-Christmas Blues

Isaiah 62:1-3 As you may know, the so-called “Christmas Star” made an appearance early in the week after 800 years. It was interesting to have the conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn occur on the Winter Solstice a few days before Christmas. It got people talking about...

The Mystery Now Revealed

Romans 16:23b, 25-27 Today’s scripture is not the usual suspect in the mystery of Christmas; yet, it is found in the lectionary for this 4th Sunday of Advent, along with Luke’s story of how the angel came to Mary proclaiming the birth of Jesus Christ, and Mary asking,...