Young Adult

Our Young Adult Group (YAG) is made up of committed believers and interested seekers, ranging from high school graduates to those in their twenties. Some of us are in college, some of us have a job or career, and others of us are in transition of some sort. It is a season of life full of big decisions and change, and sorting through that with other Christians makes all the difference.

Our regular gatherings consist of food, fellowship, “ice breaker” games, and an in-depth discussion on the book we are reading or video we are watching, followed by a time of prayer together. Most everyone hangs around for more fellowship afterward. lt is wonderful to see a group of young adults talking about important, life-shaping topics with a desire to please the Lord in all areas of our lives.

We are young adults from very diverse backgrounds, experiences and abilities that come together, where each person is valued and built up in the Lord. The mutual support, prayer, and encouragement that we give one another has been an important part of what keeps us coming back!

For more information, please contact Chanda Williams,

Youth and College Director at,
(856) 935-2148 or