Christmas Eve, Titus 3:4-5a

Was listening to Christmas music on Sirius when a Jonas Brothers song played. A song about being with someone that makes every day feel like it’s Christmas. Lights twinkling in Central Park, feeling like Heaven, first on the Wishlist. “Snow on the ground, love in the air, the sleigh bells are ringing. This is what it’s all about… “Every day that I am with you,” they sang, “makes it feel like it’s Christmas.”

I looked down at the screen to see the song’s title. In its limited space, instead of Like It’s Christmas, it read: Like It’s Christ…

Certainly, romance can be magical at Christmas. Being with loved ones is special. Some say Christmas is all about family. Lights, presents and Christmas songs are all part of what makes it feel like it’s Christmas. But those who live like it’s Christ in them know that this is not what it’s all about, thank God!

One Christmas in NYC an atheist group sponsored a sign with large flashing letters: Who needs Christ to make it feel like Christmas? Nobody! Christians answered with a billboard:  Thank God they are wrong!

This scripture in Titus answers them, too. The Greek word here for “Love of God” is also the word for “philanthropy,” telling us that the birth of Jesus, the appearing of our Savior, is God’s Gift of goodwill toward all, just as the angels said to the shepherds one night.

Our Heavenly Philanthropist put us first on heaven’s Wishlist, not because of the nice things we had done, but because of God’s mercy through Christ who saved us. And our response to this Gift is what can truly make every day feel like it’s Christmas. When Scrooges scrooge and Grinches grinch, Titus would tell us to be ready to do whatever is good, slander no one, be peaceable and considerate, and show true humility to all, trusting God. This is what it’s all about, thank God! Merry Christmas!